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snippet: This map allows you to explore the changes over time on water abstraction by source and water use by sector at sub-basin or river basin scale.
summary: This map allows you to explore the changes over time on water abstraction by source and water use by sector at sub-basin or river basin scale.
extent: [[-47.5237184221256,26.1910926967627],[70.771851963013,71.8991549914951]]
accessInformation: © Service Copyright EEA Copenhagen
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The water exploitation index has been calculated as a multi-annual average per river basin district, for the years 2002-2015, as defined in ECRINS. The ECRINS delineation of river basin districts differs from those defined by Member States under the Water Framework Directive, particularly for trans-boundary river basin districts. The regionalised Water Exploitation Index (WEI+) is calculated as the ratio of water use over renewable water resources (see Indicator Methodology chapter for further clarification). Raskin et al. (1997) suggests a WEI value above 20 % indicates water scarcity whereas a value higher than 40% indicates severe water scarcity. The dynamic map with time slider provides information on water abstraction by source and water use by sector at sub-basin or river basin scale. Data sources: - Water statistics (Eurostat) provided by Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) - LISFLOOD. Distributed Water Balance and Flood Simulation Model provided by Joint Research Centre (JRC) - E-OBS gridded dataset provided by Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) - The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), Member States reporting under Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 16/2006 provided by European Environment Agency (EEA) - Waterbase - UWWTD: Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - reported data provided by European Environment Agency (EEA) - Waterbase - Water Quantity provided by European Environment Agency (EEA) - European catchments and Rivers network system (Ecrins) provided by European Environment Agency (EEA)
title: WEI
type: Map Service
tags: ["water","WEI","landscape","EEA"]
culture: en-GB
name: WEI
guid: E94D2550-1D34-499B-89CA-6288D958CA70
spatialReference: ETRS_1989_LAEA