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snippet: State of the Environment
summary: State of the Environment
extent: [[-180,-21.3898529979999],[180,83.6235960130001]]
accessInformation: © EEA Copenhagen 2012
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This maps in this viewer shows the ecological status (i.e. status or potential) of macroinvertebrates and phytobenthos in European rivers (i.e. rivers and canals) potentially impacted by general degradation and of macrophytes and phytobenthos in European lakes (i.e. lakes and reservoirs) potentially impacted by eutrophication, respectively . The ecological status class of a country's waterbodies (or stations) is assessed by each country according to their national classification system, following the Water Framework Directive. The assessment may be based by one or more samples measured during the year of reporting. The ecological status in rivers or lakes is displayed as classified cartograms in a country-level map: it displays the distribution of status classes per country as one pie chart for each country. This can be used to compare the situation in your country with that in other countries. When the map is zoomed in to a more detailed scale individual station points are visible instead of classified cartograms. Data source: <a href=''></a>, <a href=''></a>
title: Rivers and Lakes
type: Map Service
tags: ["freshwater","ecological status","river","lake","eutrophication","nutrient","SoE","WISE"]
culture: en-GB
name: RiversAndLakesBio_Dyna_WGS84
guid: AEF7AC5A-D289-4817-8296-86408CB0D219
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984